We Deliver Your Donated Goods to the Homeless of Los Angeles

Bee-Kind  Bee-Caring  Bee-Helpful 

Our EIN: 83-4051464

It's Official!

We've finally been approved for our 501c(3) status! After a long wait (on pins and needles), we can now hire a professional fundraiser, or fundraising team, as well as accept officially tax-deductible donations! We are so excited about all the new possibilities, and taking Helper Bee to the next level. We hope you'll check back here for news and updates as they unfold.

Thousands of American families have been displaced as a result of Covid-19, and they need our help. As the country's businesses slowly reopen and the moratorium of eviction is lifted, low-income families will struggle to catch up on months of backed-up rent. Many will lose their homes permanently and are faced with surviving on the street or in their vehicles.

The number of homeless before Covid-19 was staggering to begin with, but the tidal wave of "new" homeless have brought those numbers into the tens of thousands. Our Government is not able to manage this crisis on its own, so it's up to America's kind citizens to help ease the suffering of our unsheltered neighbors.

While we may not be able to provide housing or jobs for everyone who needs them, we can make their lives a little more manageable by donating goods that we're no longer using. For a list of items that are in high demand, PLEASE VISIT OUR "NEEDED ITEMS" page.

Los Angeles takes pride in its efforts to end homelessness. Dedicated organizations such as Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority (LAHSA), L.A. County Homeless Initiative, and 'Everyone In' are making enormous strides in combating our homeless crisis. While we are grateful for the progress they are making, their focus is on finding housing for the unsheltered, and they are overwhelmed by the demand.

Our focus is on food, clothing, and survival-item donations that help with the daily struggle of living outdoors or in vehicles. We work independently to collect and deliver those goods directly to shelters, encampments, and state-run "safe-parking" areas designated for those living in vehicles.

Please visit our section  "FACTS VS. MYTHS ABOUT THE HOMELESS."

"There Are Two kinds of people in this world; those who care about their fellow man, and those who don't."
-Isabel Omero
HelperBee Has Two Functions:
We Collect and Deliver Your Donated Goods Directly Into the Hands of L.A.'s Truly Needy (and We'll Prove It!)

Our Mobile App Lets You Choose Who You Help and How You Help Them.

Your Donated Items Will Go Where They're Supposed to Go: Directly to L.A.'s Most Vulnerable Citizens.

And we'll prove it.

We provide a safe place for our generous donors to drop off (or mail) items that are no longer needed, and we deliver them to the people who need them the most.

Items such as clothing, socks, shoes, blankets, pillows, sleeping bags, tents, non-perishable food items, can be donated. For a list of needed items, please click HERE.

They Need Us Now More Than Ever
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